
Pen/paper -OR-
Your choice of software two week wait

Work Scale (see here for reference) :
2: Middle ground, this activity will require some focus, but could be done while engaging in mindless work like data entry or dishes.

Ask yourself the following question and then write your response: 'What is the story you are telling yourself about the outcome of this wait?'
Then read your response and take a moment to let your words sink in. Allow yourself to react emotionally to your own words. What feelings and thoughts come up while you read your answer?
Next, ask yourself this question: 'What is the reality of the outcome of this wait?' In other words - what will really happen once this wait is over?
Read your response to this question and compare the two responses. What differences and similarities exist between the two? Is your story different from the reality? What reactions do you have to your responses?
Think of a friend or two you can share these questions and your responses with. Then ask them to respond.

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