
I love games that engage my brain and let me still get some inspiration.


Work Scale (see here for reference) :
3: Quite high, this activity would work best on a lunch break or while the kids are watching TV.

Shockwave jigsaw puzzle - just click and be on your way to a daily distraction. Some puzzles have given me a full hour of relief from thinking about the waiting!

two week wait


Pen/paper -OR-
Your choice of software two week wait

Work Scale (see here for reference) :
2: Middle ground, this activity will require some focus, but could be done while engaging in mindless work like data entry or dishes.

Ask yourself the following question and then write your response: 'What is the story you are telling yourself about the outcome of this wait?'
Then read your response and take a moment to let your words sink in. Allow yourself to react emotionally to your own words. What feelings and thoughts come up while you read your answer?
Next, ask yourself this question: 'What is the reality of the outcome of this wait?' In other words - what will really happen once this wait is over?
Read your response to this question and compare the two responses. What differences and similarities exist between the two? Is your story different from the reality? What reactions do you have to your responses?
Think of a friend or two you can share these questions and your responses with. Then ask them to respond.

Comic Strip


Work Scale (see here for reference) :
3: Quite high, this activity would work best on a lunch break or while the kids are watching TV.  two week wait

Draw a comic strip that tells the story of your current situation. Use stick figures, if you're not great with drawing. Include all elements of the story in plot form: the beginning, rising action, climax, and conclusion. (Even if the characters are in the middle of the story, you can help them create the conclusion you want.) Take a photo of your comic and post in your favorite forum.

A-magic Bonus:
Draw several comics that represent several differing outcomes and envision the characters in your strip reacting to each outcome. What would they do to respond? How would they feel? What would they say to one another? 

List o' Tales

This one involves planning for raising a child. If you're not up for thinking about that, avoid this one.

Your memory
Your choice of software 
A paper and pen

Work Scale (see here for reference) :2: Middle ground, this activity will require some focus, but could be done while engaging in mindless work like data entry or dishes.

TWWD:Create a list of your top ten favorite books from childhood. Research the books to see if they are still available and where you might be able to purchase them. Decide the age appropriateness for each book and create a plan for when you'll read the book to your child.

Charity Bonus:
Purchase one of your favorite books to gift/donate to a local women's shelter. 

A-magic Charity Bonus:
Start an online campaign to raise donations of books to local shelters. Create an event on your favorite social media page and let your network know about the drive.

 two week wait


I've always wanted to be ambidextrous, but the only way to do that is practice.

Tools needed :
Handwriting Worksheets website (click here)

Work Scale (see here for reference) :
3: Quite high, this activity would work best on a lunch break or while the kids are watching TV.

Create your own handwriting worksheet in the style you prefer, then print several copies of the worksheet to practice writing with your non-dominant hand. Create a goal and work daily toward that goal. Post pics of your progress online and start challenges with your friends to get them involved. 

 two week wait

Meal Plan

Pregnancy related - so if you're having trouble with the thought of pregnancy, avoid this one.

Your choice of software  -OR-
Paper and a Pen

Work Scale (see here for reference) :
2: Middle ground, this activity will require some focus, but could be done while engaging in mindless work like data entry or dishes.

Research some quick, simple meals for a pregnant woman in the first trimester. Create a meal plan for each week - be sure to include enough meals to overcome increased appetite while maintaining health and balance. Also, added points for tailoring the plan to your current situation and companions - would your partner enjoy these meals? If you currently have children, would these meals appeal to them? Feel free to share your favorite meals in the comments - or on your favorite online forum.

A-Magic Bonus:
Create a spreadsheet for the meal plan and continue the meal plan for the full 9 months of pregnancy. Ensure the meal plan has an appealing format (use color!)  Then, create a shopping list template for the plan to accommodate 1) someone else doing the shopping, in case you are too ill to do so and 2) either a weekly or bi-monthly shopping trip, depending on your normal time frame.  

 two week wait


For the movie- or entertainment-lovers:

Tools :
A good memory or IMDB.com
Charting Tool (see below)  two week wait

Work Scale (see here for reference) :
2: Middle ground, this activity will require some focus, but could be done while engaging in mindless work like data entry or dishes.

Pick a favorite or recent movie. Re-cast the movie using actors to your liking. Don't forget to keep track of why you would change that actor. Share your new list in the comments or on your favorite forum.

A-magic bonus :
Create a chart using Memonic - include the original cast list, who you would change, and why. Take a screen shot of the chart and post to your favorite forum - ask for responses and see if someone can change your mind about your new choices.